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Stone age to Iron Age Day

Key Stage: KS1

Learning Objectives: To explore how stone age life was different to ours. To understand the term ‘pre-history’; Place Stone Age, Bronze Age & Iron Age on a timeline and compare to a modern history timeline

To communicate discoveries through art.

Curriculum Links: KS1 Historical Enquiry - 4a

Breadth of Study – 6b

Workshop Description: Step back in time and become a hunter, gatherer in the woodlands that surround us. Explore the woodlands looking for food and look for evidence of animals to hunt. What tools and weapons did stone-age man use? Handle real artefacts and explore gallery 1 to discover how we know stone-age , Bronze Age and Iron Age man lived in the Forest of Dean. Spend time with Cygvranos the Celt to learn about Iron Age Life.

Finish by creating a collaborative painting to share your experiences as a pre-history investigator.

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