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Plant and tree identification

Key Stage: KS2/3

Learning Objectives: Learn how to recognize and identify different types of trees and plants.

Decide on characteristics to group leaves by, using observable features

to describe different characteristics to identify trees Measure, identify and record information on a variety of tree types.

Gather primary data through fieldwork

Curriculum Links: Geography Key Stage 2: 1a, b, c, e; 2a, b; 7a, c

Science Key Stage 2: 2c, e, f, g

Key skills: communications, application of numbers, working with others

Thinking skills: information and processing , enquiry skills

Scientific and Technological Understanding M1 Children should be taught to identify, group and select materials using properties and behaviours that can be tested, and identify and group living things using observable features and other characteristics. Geography KS3 Enquiry and skills(1a,1c,1f)

Knowledge and understanding of places (3a,3c,3d)

Patterns and processes

Environmental change and sustainable development 5a

Breadth of study (6d,6j,6k)

Workshop content: The content of this workshop can be planned according to your particular curriculum or topic requirements and is also dependent on the time of year the workshop is booked.

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